Our Work

Explore Our Astounding Projects built in diverse technologies

Web Development Works

Blog App

It is a blog application like medium and in this we can create,share,and explore blogs. It also has authentication,editor and many other great functionalities.

An Elearning Web App

it is an Elearning web application for education which has add to courses,checkout page,authentication etc. It is a complete elearning solutions for modern educational businesses.

Job Search App

it is an job search web application for businesses and job seekers. This is a great app to build your portfolio and help clear your depths in full stack development.

To do List App

It is a todo app using Reactjs. It is a great beginner friendly app by which you can learn about managing states, styling in reactjs, lifecycle methods etc.

ReactjsReact HooksCSS
Movie Search App

It is a movie search app in which you will understand about caliing apis, filtering, searching, sorting, managing states, lifecycle methods, styling and many more important concepts in reactjs.

ReactReact HooksCSSaxios
Real Time Chat App

This is a real time chat application in which we will build a chat application like messenger or whatsapp using reactjs and nodejs and a real time library socket io. This is a great project to add in your portfolio.

Blog App

It is a simple blog app written in Nextjs by using SSG and other great React features such as hooks,states, context etc.

NextjsHooksContext Api
An Ecommerce Web App

it is an eCommerce web application for Stores. It uses redux for managing orders and it also has search, filter, add to cart functionalities.

NextjsHooksContext Api
Hulu Clone

it is hulu Clone built with Nextjs. It uses great design from hulu and react components with the power of static site generation for the pages. It also has search, filter and many other functionalites.

NextjsHooksContext Api
An Ecommerce Web App

it is an eCommerce web application for Stores which has add to cart,checkout page,authentication etc. It is a complete eCommerce solutions for modern eCommerce web applications.

Nodejs Image Uploader

it is an image uploader app in which user can upload images to a nodejs server. This is a great user friendly project who wants to understand how to add upload feature in nodejs.

Node.js Video Streaming App

It is a video streaming application just like google meet. By building this app you can understand various concepts in nodejs such as real time streaming, storing data, creating middlewares and events etc.

Chatbot Project

This PHP project lets the bot analyze the user's messages and the replies to the questions are sent accordingly. This web app can be utilized to respond to the queries of the students.

An Ecommerce Web App

it is an eCommerce web application for Stores which has add to cart,checkout page,authentication etc. It is a complete eCommerce solutions for modern eCommerce web applications.

Timetable Management System

it is an eCommerce web application for Stores which has add to cart,checkout page,authentication etc. It is a complete eCommerce solutions for modern eCommerce web applications.

Portfolio Website

it is a simple portfolio website which has a great ui built with html, css and bootstrap.

Rock Paper Scissor Game

Rock Paper Scissor is a classic game we used to play in our childhood. This is just a same game with a digital touch. In this you will learn the general javascript concepts, design concepts and many more.

Restaurant Website

This is a Restaurant website which is built using html, css and bootstrap. This is a great website to learn the website layout, design and styling by using css and bootstrap.

Resume Builder

It is a Resume builder application in which person can build his/her resume. It is a full stack application which also consist login/signup so person can see his created resumes.

Django Chat App

It is a chat application built using Django and database. As an intermediate developer, you must know how Django functions with databases and users. Users can implement chat features using Django user models and built-in databases.

Weather App

An interesting Django project where you can build a weather app showing local weather conditions. The framework can also implement features like checking the weather status of selected locations.


Ai & ML Works

Chatgpt Integration

Integrated chatgpt fine tuned to answer your customer queries.

Customer Service Chatbots

These chatbots are designed to answer customer queries and provide support 24/7. They can handle frequently asked questions, provide order status updates, and help customers troubleshoot common issues.

Sales Chatbots

These chatbots are designed to help businesses increase their sales and revenue by engaging with customers in a personalized manner, recommending products, and upselling or cross-selling.

Marketing Chatbots

it is an eCommerce web application for Stores which has add to cart,checkout page,authentication etc. It is a complete eCommerce solutions for modern eCommerce web applications.

Personal Assistant Chatbots

These chatbots are designed to help individuals manage their day-to-day tasks, such as scheduling appointments, setting reminders, and making reservations

Educational Chatbots

These chatbots are designed to help students learn new skills and acquire knowledge on a particular subject. They can provide personalized tutoring, assist with homework, and offer test-taking strategies.

Entertainment Chatbots

These chatbots are designed to provide entertainment to users through engaging conversations, games, and other interactive features.

Social Media Chatbots:

These chatbots are designed to help businesses engage with their audience on social media platforms. They can handle inquiries, offer customer support, and help businesses grow their following.

HR Chatbots

These chatbots are designed to help streamline HR processes such as onboarding, training, and benefits management

Image Classification

Use TensorFlow to build a deep learning model that can classify images. This project could involve creating a model that can classify objects, animals, or even emotions in images.

Sentiment Analysis

Use TensorFlow to build a model that can analyze text data and determine the sentiment of the content. This could be applied to social media posts, customer reviews, or news articles.

Speech Recognition

Use TensorFlow to build a model that can recognize speech and convert it to text. This project could involve creating a virtual assistant, building a transcription tool, or developing a language translation app.

Recommendation Systems

Use TensorFlow to build a recommendation system that suggests products or services to users based on their past behavior or preferences. This project could be applied to e-commerce, media streaming, or other industries.

Time Series Forecasting

Use TensorFlow to build a model that can forecast future trends based on historical data. This could be applied to financial forecasting, weather prediction, or other time-series data.

Anomaly Detection

Use TensorFlow to build a model that can detect anomalies in data. This project could be applied to fraud detection, network intrusion detection, or other applications where detecting anomalies is important.

Generative Adversarial Networks

Use TensorFlow to build a GAN model that can generate new images, videos, or music. This project could be applied to creative industries or even used to generate realistic synthetic data for machine learning models.

Object Detection

Use TensorFlow to build a model that can detect and locate objects within an image or video. This project could be applied to autonomous vehicles, surveillance, or other computer vision applications.


Programming Works

Airline reservation system

It is an airline reservation system in which user can book tickets and see flight details. This is a great project to add into your portfolio.

Library Management System

it is a Library Management System in which librarian can manage books in the library. He can see the stocks,issued books and many other important details regarding books.

E-Healthcare System

The e-Healthcare management system is a web-based project that seeks to provide effective management of employee data and medical data of patients in hospitals and clinics.

Blog App

It is a blog application which is used to create blogs by user. It has an editor similar to medium and it also has login/signup feature.

Quiz App

It is a Quiz application which has all the features such as mcqs,scoring system, show/hide password, profiling etc. This is a great project for beginners in ruby on rails.

An Ecommerce Web App

it is an eCommerce web application for Stores which has add to cart,checkout page,authentication etc. It is a complete eCommerce solutions for modern eCommerce web applications.

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